[curves] More small curves

Robert Ransom rransom.8774 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 30 09:54:57 PST 2014

Modulo 2^198 - 17, the Edwards curve with a=-1, d=19 is secure, and
the Edwards curve with a=-1, d=4871 is twist-secure.  (already posted
on the messaging list)

Modulo 2^213 - 3, the Edwards curve with a=-1, d=12523 is twist-secure.

Modulo 2^194 - 33 (not as nice, but it's minimal-length for a 192-bit
group on an Edwards curve):

a=-1, d=-120 is minimal with a secure group;
a=-1, d=204 is also secure;
a=-1, d=229 is minimal with a secure group such that the isogenous
curve a=1, d=230 has non-square d;

a=-1, d=20764 is twist-secure.

Again, don't use these unless your key size is seriously constrained.

Robert Ransom

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