[curves] Microsoft ECCLib for "NUMS" curves
Trevor Perrin
trevp at trevp.net
Wed Jul 2 23:38:30 PDT 2014
On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 9:41 AM, Trevor Perrin <trevp at trevp.net> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 3:08 AM, Samuel Neves <sneves at dei.uc.pt> wrote:
>> I've fixed up the 256-bit arithmetic to run on Linux;
>> Here are the results on Sandy Bridge, compiled with gcc-4.8 -O3 -march=corei7-avx:
> Thanks!
> Looks pretty close to what's already in the spreadsheet, i.e. you
> reported 283.5 Kcycles and (the Weierstrass curve) and 229.5 Kcycles
> (Edwards), whereas the spreadsheet has 281 and 234.
> So I think it's still still slower than 25519. I wonder about the
> "nature vs nurture" question: is it inherently a slower curve (harder
> for field reduction?) or just less optimized?
To answer my own question: the observed difference is probably mostly
"nurture". Microsoft's 256-bit Edwards curve is similar to Curve25519
so could probably be optimized to about the same speed:
- Microsoft's field prime is 2^256 - 189 instead of 2^255 - 19.
Seems pretty similar. Is there any inherent efficiency difference for
scalar multiplication?
- Microsoft's field prime is 3 mod 4 instead of 5 mod 8. AIUI,
calculating square roots (e.g. point decompression) for 5 mod 8 has a
50% chance of needing a small extra step (a field multiplication by
the constant sqrt(-1)). Could anyone summarize the significance of
this? If the curves are mostly the same otherwise, is this a reason
to switch?
- Microsoft's cofactor is 4 instead of 8. Also similar - once you
have to account for a cofactor in protocols, it doesn't really matter
what it is. Cofactor 4 instead of 8 does mean a larger "main
subgroup", so an extra ~0.5 bits of security against Pollard Rho.
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