[curves] PAKE use cases & requirements

Trevor Perrin trevp at trevp.net
Wed Oct 15 15:25:26 PDT 2014

Below I've listed cases where people are using (or might be interested
in) an EC PAKE.  I've also tried to list the requirements that matter
for these cases.

Am I missing any requirements?

It seems like a few people are working on proposals (EC-SRP, SPAKE2,
"Elligator edition", J-PAKE).  It would be good to have a survey that
shows how known protocols fit these requirements.  Maybe I'll get to
it in a few weeks, or someone can beat me to it.

Obvious requirements
 - IPR free
 - security proof
 - efficient (in messages, computation)
 - simple
 - flexible to different curves
 - sidechannel resistant
 - no backdoors

Use cases and additional requirements
 - currently using Socialist Millionaire's Protocol
 - goals:
   - non-augmented
   - small messages

 - had support for J-PAKE, removed it
 - goals:
   - augmented and hashed passwords
   - work with existing hashed passwords
   - low DoS potential

Chrome Remote Desktop
 - currently using SPAKE2

https://pond.imperialviolet.org/tech.html ("Key Exchange Details")
 - currently using ECDH-EKE (aka "EKE2") with Rijndael-256-bit blocks
 - goals:
   - non-augmented
   - simultaneous initiate allowed

802.11S SAE
 - currently using Dragonfly
 - goals:
   - simultaneous initiate allowed

 - currently not using PAKE

All Requirements
 - IPR free
 - security proof
 - efficient (in messages, computation)
 - simple
 - flexible to different curves
 - sidechannel resistant
 - no backdoors
 - small messages
 - non-augmented and augmented options
 - work with existing hashed passwords
 - low DoS potential
 - simultaneous initiate allowed


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