[messaging] Are we pursuing real solutions for security?

Peter Gutmann pgut001 at cs.auckland.ac.nz
Tue Mar 11 12:48:58 PDT 2014

Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg at fifthhorseman.net> writes:

>The dialog box image you linked to (http://i.imgur.com/2bEWKNS.png) is a joke
>about Internet Explorer, which is a classic example of human-machine
>interaction (the user of the web browser is trying to authenticate a remote
>machine, which is the web server), not human-human interaction.

I didn't realise bits of my book had gone viral :-).  It's actually an
illustration of how people interpret warning dialogs in general.

>This use case still a real security issue, and i haven't heard a plausible
>answer yet about how SAS can be used to verify a web server's key without
>introducing a number of troubling vulnerabilities.

Elsewhere in the book I discuss several alternative options that have been
tried in attempts to remedy this, the discussion is rather long but here it is
for people who really want to plough through it:

  When you’ve decided on your safe default settings, one simple way to test
  your application is to run it and click OK (or whatever the default action
  is) on every single security-related dialog that pops up (usability testing
  has shown that there are actually users who’ll behave in exactly this
  manner).  Is the result still secure?

  Now run the same exercise again, but this time consider that each dialog
  that’s thrown up has been triggered by a hostile attack rather than just a
  dry test-run.  In other words the “Are you sure you want to open this
  document (default ‘Yes’)” question is sitting in front of an Internet worm
  and not a Word document of last week’s sales figures.  Now, is your
  application still secure?  A great many applications will fail even this
  simple security usability test.

  One way of avoiding the “Click OK to make this message go away” problem is
  to change the question from a basic yes/no one to a multi-choice one, which
  makes user satisficing much more difficult.  In one real-world test about a
  third of users fell prey to attacks when the system used a simple yes/no
  check for a security property such as a verification code or key
  fingerprint, but this dropped to zero when users were asked to choose the
  correct verification code from a selection of five (one of which was “None
  of the above”) [ ].  The reason for this was that users either didn’t think
  about the yes/no question at all or applied judgemental heuristics to
  rationalise any irregularities away as being transient errors, while the
  need to choose the correct value from a selection of several actually forced
  them to think about the problem.

  A particularly notorious instance of user satisficing occurred with the
  Therac-25 medical electron accelerator, whose control software was modified
  to allow operators to click their way through the configuration process (or
  at least hit Enter repeatedly, since the interface was a VT-100 text
  terminal) after they had complained that the original design, which required
  them to manually re-enter the values to confirm them, took too long [ ].
  This (and a host of other design problems) led to situations where patients
  could be given huge radiation overdoses, resulting in severe injuries and
  even deaths (the Therac-25 case has gone down in control-system failure
  history, and is covered in more detail in “Other Threat Analysis Techniques”
  on page 242).  Even in less serious cases, radiation therapists using the
  device reported dose-rate malfunctions caused by this interface that ran as
  high as forty occurrences a day.

  The developers of an SMS-based out-of-band web authentication mechanism used
  the multi-choice question approach when they found that users were simply
  rationalising away any discrepancies between the information displayed on
  the untrusted web browser and the cell-phone authentication channel.  As a
  result the developers changed the interface so that instead of asking the
  user whether one matched the other, they had to explicitly select the match,
  dropping the error rate for the process from 30% to 0% [ ].

  Other studies have confirmed the significant drop in error rates when using
  this approach, but found as an unfortunate side-effect that the
  authentication option that did this had dropped from most-preferred to
  least-preferred in user evaluations performed in one study [ ] and to
  somewhat less-preferred in another [ ], presumably because it forced users
  to stop and think rather than simply clicking ‘OK’.  If you’re really
  worried about potential security failures of this kind (see the discussion
  of SSH fuzzy fingerprints in “Certificates and Conditioned Users” on page
  26) then you can take this a step further and, if the target device has a
  means of accepting user input, get users to copy the authentication data
  from the source to the target device, which guarantees an exact match at the
  risk of annoying your users even more than simply forcing them to select a
  match will.

  (Incidentally, there are all manner of schemes that have been proposed to
  replace the usual “compare two hex strings” means of comparing two binary
  data values, including representing the values as English words, random
  graphical art, flags, Asian characters, melodies, barcodes, and various
  other ways of encoding binary values in a form that’s meaningful to humans.
  Most of the alternatives don’t work very well, and even the best-performing
  of them only function at about the same level as using hex strings (or at
  least base32-encoded hex strings, with base32 being single-case base64) so
  there’s little point in trying to get too fancy here, particular since the
  other forms all require graphical displays, and often colour graphical
  displays, while base32 gets by with a text-only display [ ]).

  The shareware WinZip program uses a similar technique to force users to stop
  and think about the message that it displays when an unregistered copy is
  run, swapping the buttons around so that users are actually forced to stop
  and read the text and think about what they’re doing rather than
  automatically clicking ‘Cancel’ without thinking about it (this technique
  has been labelled ‘polymorphic dialogs” by security researchers evaluating
  its effectiveness [ ]).  Similarly, the immigration form used by New Zealand
  Customs and Immigration swaps some of the yes/no questions so that it’s not
  possible to simply check every box in the same column without reading the
  questions (this is a particularly evil thing to do to a bunch of half-asleep
  people who have just come off the 12-hour flight that it takes to get

  Another technique that you might consider using is to disable (grey out) the
  button that invokes the dangerous action for a set amount of time to force
  users to take notice of the dialog.  If you do this, make the greyed-out
  button display a countdown timer to let users know that they can eventually
  continue with the action, but have to pause for a short time first
  (hopefully they’ll read and think about the dialog while they’re waiting).
  The Firefox browser uses this trick when browser plugins are installed,
  although in the case of Firefox it was actually added for an entirely
  different reason which was obscure enough that it was only revealed when a
  Firefox developer posted an analysis of the design rationale behind it [ ].
  Although this is borrowing an annoying technique from nagware and can lead
  to problems if it’s not implemented appropriately, as covered in “Automation
  vs. Explicitness” on page 430, it may be the only way that you can get users
  to consider the consequences of their actions rather than just ploughing
  blindly ahead.  Obviously you should restrict the use of this technique to
  exceptional error conditions rather than something that the user encounters
  every time that they want to use your application.

  Techniques such as this, which present a roadblock to muscle memory, help
  ensure that users pay proper attention when they’re making security-relevant
  decisions.  Another muscle memory roadblock, already mentioned earlier, is
  removing the window-close control on dialog boxes, but see also the note
  about the problems with doing this in a wizard rather than just a generic
  dialog box, covered in “Security and Conditioned Users” on page 144.  There
  also exist various other safety measures that you can adopt for actions that
  have potentially dangerous consequences.  For example Apple’s user interface
  guidelines recommend spacing buttons for dangerous actions at least 24
  pixels away from other buttons, twice the normal distance of 12 pixels [ ].

  Another way of enforcing the use of safe defaults is to require extra effort
  from the user to do things the unsafe way and to make it extremely obvious
  that this is a bad way to do things.  In other words failure should take
  real effort.  The technical term for this type of mechanism, which prevents
  (or at least makes unlikely) some type of mistake, is a forcing function [
  ].  Forcing functions are used in a wide variety of applications to dissuade
  users from taking unwise steps.  For example the programming language Oberon
  requires that users who want to perform potentially dangerous type casts
  import a pseudo-module called SYSTEM that provides the required casting
  functions.  The presence of this import in the header of any module that
  uses it is meant to indicate, like the fleur-de-lis brand on a criminal,
  that unsavoury things are taking place here and that this is something that
  you may want to avoid contact with.

  Another example of a security-related forcing function occurs in the MySQL
  database replication system, which has a master server controlling several
  networked slave machines.  The replication system user starts the slave with
  start slave, which automatically uses SSL to protect all communications with
  the master.  To run without this protection the user has to explicitly say
  start slave without security, which both requires more effort to do and is
  something that will give most users an uneasy feeling.  Similarly, the
  Limewire file-sharing client requires that users explicitly “Configure
  unsafe file sharing settings” rather than just “Configure file sharing”, and
  then warns users that “Enabling this setting makes you more prone to
  accidentally sharing your personal information”.

  Exactly the opposite approach is taken by Python when loading markup files
  like yaml (Yet Another Markup Language), XML, JSON (Javascript Object
  Notation), and others.  Python (and Ruby, and any number of other scripting
  languages, only the syntax changes) will happily load and execute markup
  languages with embedded commands that do anything from printing “Hello
  world” through to reformatting your computer’s hard drive.  To load a yaml
  file (and potentially reformat your hard drive), you use yaml.load.  To load
  it safely, you need to use yaml.safe_load, which comes after load in the
  auto-complete tab order so that every developer who hasn’t read the relevant
  security advisories will use the unsafe version by default [ ].


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