[noise] Test vector format
alex at centromere.net
Wed Apr 6 23:24:11 PDT 2016
On Wed, 6 Apr 2016 22:38:53 -0700
Trevor Perrin <trevp at trevp.net> wrote:
> - Error testing might be better handled by specifying which
> particular ciphertext should trigger an error. For example, have a
> "payload": "ERROR" special value, instead of "should_fail". The test
> framework will expect decrypting the corresponding ciphertext to fail.
I tend to dislike special values. What about a '"fail": true' key?
> - I think I agree with Jonathan that pattern / cipher / hash /
> curve-type can be specified once, outside the party-specific blocks.
The handshakes and keys can be defined outside of the vector array
entirely. I've attached an updated schema. What do you think?
> About JSON: I worry about JSON files with large numbers of tests,
> since I think streaming APIs for JSON are less common than
> document-based APIs. Also, I worry about someone developing for
> embedded systems, or smartcards, or IoT or something, who doesn't have
> JSON tools lying around.
Given the ubiquity of JSON tools, I don't suspect it would be difficult
to convert the vectors in to a format more suitable for embedded work.
> Would it be reasonable to make the format JSON-compatible but more
> restrictive, to make it easier to consume for dumb streaming parsers,
> but still allow consumers to use JSON? This would make it harder for
> producing, but I think the tests will be consumed more than produced.
> Also, these restrictions could make the tests more human-readable.
JSON "pretty-printing" would definitely make the tests more human
readable, although I realize that's not what you've proposed below.
Would it be reasonable to commit full JSON documents to the repository
as "master" copies, but also include a small script which can
auto-generate new documents in the format you're after?
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