[noise] A simple and safe TLS/TCP-like protocol

Trevor Perrin trevp at trevp.net
Mon Jan 16 12:09:13 PST 2017

Per recent discussion, it might be good to have a simple and safe
Noise protocol that people can drop into TLS/TCP-like cases without
thinking hard.

Here's a brainstorm for a "NoiseSocket" we could recommend as the
entry-level use of Noise.  I'm whipping this up quickly,
comments/criticism welcome -

The XX handshake allows any combination of authentications (client,
server, mutual, none) by using null public keys (i.e. sending a public
key of zeros if you don't want to authenticate).  That's a lot of
flexibility for 1 pattern, so we'll use it exclusively.

    -> e
    <- e, ee, s, es
    -> s, se

We *won't* include a 0-RTT mode, because:
 * There are different ways to do it, with different tradeoffs (e.g.
IK or XK handshake with static or semi-static public keys; PSK
resumption with tickets or session caches)
 * Most of those options add complicated state management
 * All of those options add complicated security considerations
(reductions in forward secrecy, replay resistance, KCI resistance)

This complexity isn't compatible with the simple/safe focus here.
However we'll ensure 0-RTT can be added later.  Which brings us to...

Versioning and negotiation
For extensibility we'd like the ability for the client to offer
multiple Noise initial handshake messages, and for the server to
choose one:

First NoiseSocket message:
 - 2 bytes big-endian length of following data (N)
 - Repeat:
   - 1 byte version of following message (zero initially; sorted in
increasing order)
   - 2 bytes big-endian length of following message (DHLEN initially;
may be zero)
   - <Noise message>

Second NoiseSocket message:
 - 1 byte version (zero initially)
 - 2 bytes big-endian length of following message
 - <Noise message>

All subsequent messages:
 - 2 bytes big-endian length of following message
 - <Noise message>

The Noise "prologue" will be calculated as:
 - 1 byte indicating the number of versions offered in the first message
 - A list of bytes, one for each message.

For example, the initial prologue will be 0x0100 (1 version, version
0).  We don't include the entire NoiseSocket message so that the
prologue can be fixed to allow for encrypted initial messages, in the
future.  This means servers must decide which version to support based
purely on version numbers, not message contents.


 * Suppose the client wants to offer a new protocol version (1).  It
simply appends the version 1 initial message to the version 0 initial
message, and sends them both in the initial NoiseSocket message.  The
server responds to the highest version it recognizes.

 * Suppose the client wants to offer three new ciphers (version 1-3)
but reuse the version 0 DH.  The client can send version indicators
for 1-3, each followed by a zero-length message, reusing the version 0
message's ephemeral public value.

 * Suppose we want to extend NoiseSocket to support 0-RTT via the
Noise Pipe design.  A version 1 could be used to indicate an IK
handshake attempt, reusing the version 0 message's ephemeral public
key, but containing the additional encrypted fields from the initial
IK message.  The server would respond to either version 0 (XX or XX
fallback) or version 1 (IK).

A name like "NoiseSocket_25519_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2b" would translate
into a Noise protocol name in the obvious way:


For hybrid forward secrecy, adding the "hfs" transformation to get
"NoiseSockethfs_25519+NewHope..." is ugly.  Maybe we can improve
naming by saying that a name with a pair of public-key algorithms
defaults to the "hfs" transform, unless a different transform is
explicitly specified?  Then we get:

NoiseSocket_25519+NewHope_AESGCM_SHA256 ->




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