[noise] Planning for revision 34

Trevor Perrin trevp at trevp.net
Mon Feb 19 15:13:38 PST 2018

We're probably due for another spec revision.  I'll propose these additions:

 (1) Add "Alice and Bob" roles and the notion of "compound protocols" [1]
 (2) Add new "deferred" patterns [2]
 (3) Add discussion of security properties against an attacker trying
to test server identities for equality [3]
 (4) Clarify indistinguishability requirement for the encryption scheme  [4]

Anything else?  If people are OK with this, I'll start drafting it soon.


The "Alice and Bob" thing hasn't been discussed in awhile, so I'll
summarize the goals and idea here:

This is to clarify roles in "compound" protocols where the parties
start one Noise protocol, then switch to a different one (e.g. the
fallback case in Noise Pipes).  The Initiator/Responder roles would
switch in this case,  since the responder in the first Noise protocol
becomes the initiator of the fallback protocol.  So it's helpful to
have roles which do *not* switch.

The key points are:
 * "Alice" is the initiator of the first Noise protocol in a compound protocol
 * Alice is always the left-most party in handshake pattern notation,
and Bob is the right-most
 * For notational convenience, allow patterns to be written in either
Alice-initiated or Bob-initiated form.  This was previously a special
rule for fallback, but for generality we'd allow all patterns to be
written this way.

So these are Alice-initiated and Bob-initiated notations for the same pattern:

  -> e
  <- e, ee, s, es

  <- e
  -> e, ee, s, se

And also these:

XXfallback(s, re, rs):
  <- e
  -> e, ee, s, se
  <- s, es

XXfallback(e, s, rs):
  -> e
  <- e, ee, s, es
  -> s, se


[1] https://moderncrypto.org/mail-archive/noise/2017/001321.html
[2] https://moderncrypto.org/mail-archive/noise/2018/001474.html
[3] https://moderncrypto.org/mail-archive/noise/2018/001438.html
[4] https://moderncrypto.org/mail-archive/noise/2018/001469.html

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