[noise] Noise Explorer

Trevor Perrin trevp at trevp.net
Tue May 22 08:45:09 PDT 2018

On Tue, May 22, 2018 at 9:42 AM, Nadim Kobeissi <nadim at symbolic.software> wrote:
> Please access Noise Explorer using this address: https://noiseexplorer.com
> Regarding the compendium of patterns included on the website, I also request
> that you send me additional Noise Handshake Patterns, so that I can use
> Noise Explorer to generate formal models, pretty HTML results, and then post
> these too in the compendium

Hey Nadim,

Looks fascinating, I'm looking forward to spending some time with
this.  We're on the verge of publishing spec revision 34 (I was
supposed to do it last week, but will try to find time this week).

This introduces 22 new "deferred" patterns, so those would be a
perfect target for more analysis.  We'd like to ensure that the
deferred patterns eventually achieve the same security as the
"fundamental" pattern they're based on, for one thing.


I'd also like to double-check these results against the spec's
security properties tables, and see if we can generate similar tables
for the new patterns, it would be great to have that automated.

And if you were really ambitious, the "identity hiding" properties
would be great to have automated analysis for, but I'm sure that's
more complicated.


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