[noise] Noise and PAKE handhakes

david wong davidwong.crypto at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 07:42:11 PST 2018

Thanks for the explanations Trevor! I now realize that OPAQUE is not really useful in a lot of scenarios where you want to type the password on both devices to connect them. 

I gotta ask as well: why SPAKE2? My knowledge of PAKEs is very limited, but I’ve seen a lot of them being mentioned here and there: PAK, PAKE, SPAKE, JPAKE, SPAKE2, JPAKE2. Is there a good survey of all of them, their differences and what the state of the art is? Otherwise that would be on us to do this before deciding too quickly on what to integrate into Noise.


> On Dec 16, 2018, at 9:05 PM, Trevor Perrin <trevp at trevp.net> wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 17, 2018 at 12:49 AM Keziah Biermann <keziah at kizzycode.de> wrote:
>> Is there any progress regarding PAKE handshakes?
> Great question, we haven't discussed PAKE much on-list [1].
> I've been chatting about this with Brian Warner recently, though.
> There seem to be (at least) 2 good approaches:
> (1) Use the original "EKE" or "DH-EKE" concept from Bellovin and
> Merritt [2], where one (or both) of the ephemeral DH public keys is
> somehow encrypted or masked with the password.  In the elliptic-curve
> setting, this would mean creating a password-derived point and adding
> it to the ephemeral.  The password-derived point could be created
> either by taking h^password (like SPAKE2), where h is some generator
> independent from the "main" generator g; or with a map-to-point
> function like Elligator (e.g. [3]).
> (2) Use the OPRF / OPAQUE idea from Hugo Krawczyk and others.
> Essentially, the server implements an "Oblivious PRF" (OPRF) as
> follows:
> * client sends p^b, where b is some blinding factor and p is the OPRF input
> * server responds (p^b)^k = p^(b*k), where k is the server's secret key
> * client calculates p^k, which is the result of OPRF(key=k, input=p)
> This is an "Oblivious" PRF because from the client's perspective, the
> output is a random function (PRF) of p, but the server doesn't learn
> either the PRF input or output.
> To turn this into a PAKE the client maps their password to a point p
> (eg Elligator), and executes the OPRF protocol.  In addition the
> server sends the client's identity keypair encrypted under the OPRF
> output.  The client decrypts their identity keypair and then uses it
> to execute a standard handshake (e.g. any Noise client-authenticated
> handshake).
> Anyways, the EKE approach is probably a little more efficient, but the
> OPAQUE approach is more modular and directly gives you an "augmented
> PAKE" where the server doesn't store "password-equivalent" data:
> i.e., if the server's OPAQUE password database leaks to an attacker,
> the attacker would have to brute-force individual passwords to be able
> to execute the OPAQUE-based protocol.
> Implementing the EKE approach into Noise might look like this:
> An "eke" pattern modifier converts the initial ephemeral token "e" to
> a masked-ephemeral token "me".  It also requires an additional
> public-key algorithm name to specify the masking operation, e.g.
> XXeke_25519+SPAKE2_AESGCM_SHA256:
>  -> me
>  <- e, ee, s, es
>  -> s, se
> or
> XXeke_25519+Elligator_AESGCM_SHA256:
>  -> me
>  <- e, ee, s, es
>  -> s, se
> (The idea behind a general "masked ephemeral" token is that there are
> potentially other reasons to mask the ephemeral, e.g. creating a
> protocol where all bits are indistinguishable from random via
> Elligator or encryption with a symmetric key, so that might be a
> different pattern modifier that results in a differently-masked
> ephemeral).
> I've thought less about OPAQUE, but it might be an even easier
> integration, since the OPRF and the rest of the handshake are
> conceptually separate.
> So there's some promising things we could work on, though I have a bit
> of a backlog right now.  If anyone feels like fleshing this out
> further or starting a draft extension spec though, go right ahead.
> Trevor
> [1] https://moderncrypto.org/mail-archive/noise/2017/001081.html
> [2] https://www.cs.columbia.edu/~smb/papers/neke.pdf
> [3] https://moderncrypto.org/mail-archive/curves/2015/000424.html
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