[messaging] Multiple devices and key synchronization: some thoughts

David Gil dgil at yahoo-inc.com
Sat Jan 3 15:31:30 PST 2015

Re Sam's proposal, essentially.

I thought it might be worthwhile to be more explicit about my models for device compromise:

Ephemeral compromise: The adversary can read the contents of some (possibly limited) set of memory locations, including the location where the key is stored.
(E.g., some browser security bugs, Heartbleed.)

Temporary compromise:
t=day 0. Adversary uses a vulnerability to establish persistent presence (formerly hard in-browser, but now possible via, e.g., ServiceWorkers...)
t=... malicious software uses other vulnerabilities to read keys
t=n days. The bug is fixed and platform-level protection mechanisms eliminate the malicious software.

Permanent compromise: The adversary replaces part of the platform's trusted computing base (be it hardware or software) with code it controls.

Keeping private keys unencrypted in memory for only a short period of time is an okay way to protect against ephemeral compromise. It does nothing to protect against temporary compromise.

(And nothing we do can protect against permanent compromise; for code running in a browser, that's the browser's responsibility.)

- dlg 

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