[messaging] MITM-safe communication w/o authentication possible?

Andy Isaacson adi at hexapodia.org
Sun Nov 29 17:07:47 PST 2015

On Sun, Nov 29, 2015 at 09:32:23PM +0100, U.Mutlu wrote:
> SRP and OTR+SMP are IMO good examples for MITM-safe online protocols.
> But they require prior key exchange (ie. a persistent password or
> PKI certificates).
> I wonder if it can be possible, at least theoretically, to have a
> MITM-secure internet channel without the use of PKI and/or
> persistent password (ie. w/o authentication, like in the telephone network)?
> Of course the communication must be encrypted against passive MITM,
> and must also detect active MITM.
> Does anybody know of such a protocol, info, papers etc.?

While it doesn't exactly address your question, I really like the
direction that is hinted at in


for addressing this problem.

Unfortunately Graydon is off saving the world a different way, so stxt
hasn't seen any further development in the last 18 months, afaik.


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